Thursday, February 6, 2014

My Vocabulary #1

Omniscient: knowing everything.

Archetype: A pattern of behavior upon which others are copied.

Asset: a useful or valuable thing or person. 

Maladroit: ineffective or clumsy. 

Onus: used to refer to something that is one's duty or responsibility.

Dastardly: wicked and cruel.

Zenith: the highest point reached.

Broach: to raise (a sensitive or difficult subject) for discussion.

Hysteria: exaggerated emotion among a group of people. 

Fervid: intensely enthusiastic.

Ochlocracy: Government by a mob; mob rule.

Tenacity: persistent determination. 

Terse: Brief and to the point.

Haggle: dispute or bargain persistently.

Stock: the goods kept on the premises of a business that are for sale.

Adversity: misfortune. 

Abase: cause to feel shame. 

Jaded: lacking enthusiasm.

Kindle: to set on fire.

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