Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Vocabulary: Fall List #5

adroitclever or skillful in using the hands or mind.

amicable: having a spirit of friendliness; without serious disagreement or rancor.

aversehaving a strong dislike of or opposition to something.

belligerenthostile and aggressive.

benevolentwell meaning and kindly. 

cursoryhasty and therefore not thorough or detailed.

duplicitydeceitfulness; double-dealing.

extolpraise enthusiastically.

feasiblepossible to do easily or conveniently. 

grimacean ugly, twisted expression on a person's face, typically expressing disgust, pain, or wry amusement.

holocaustdestruction or slaughter on a mass scale, esp. caused by fire or nuclear war.

imperviousnot allowing fluid to pass through.

impetusthe force or energy with which a body moves. 

jeopardydanger of loss, harm, or failure. 

meticulousshowing great attention to detail; very careful and precise.

nostalgiaa sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy 
personal associations.

quintessencethe most perfect or typical example of a quality or class.

retrogressgo back to an earlier state, typically a worse one. 

scrutinizeexamine or inspect closely and thoroughly.

tepid(esp. of a liquid) only slightly warm; lukewarm.

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