Monday, March 31, 2014

Entrepreneurs Notebook: building a high-traffic blog

1. Create valuable content.  
2. Create original content. 
3. Write for people first and computers second. 
4. Create timeless content. 
5. Know why you want traffic. 
6. Let the audience see the "real" you.  
7. Write what is true for you and live with the consiquences. 
8. Treat your visitors as real human beings. 
9. Keep money in its proper place. 
10. Help people. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

My Vocabulary #1

Omniscient: knowing everything.

Archetype: A pattern of behavior upon which others are copied.

Asset: a useful or valuable thing or person. 

Maladroit: ineffective or clumsy. 

Onus: used to refer to something that is one's duty or responsibility.

Dastardly: wicked and cruel.

Zenith: the highest point reached.

Broach: to raise (a sensitive or difficult subject) for discussion.

Hysteria: exaggerated emotion among a group of people. 

Fervid: intensely enthusiastic.

Ochlocracy: Government by a mob; mob rule.

Tenacity: persistent determination. 

Terse: Brief and to the point.

Haggle: dispute or bargain persistently.

Stock: the goods kept on the premises of a business that are for sale.

Adversity: misfortune. 

Abase: cause to feel shame. 

Jaded: lacking enthusiasm.

Kindle: to set on fire.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Vocabulary: Spring List 1

adumbrate: report or represent in outline.

apotheosis: the highest point in the development of something.

ascetic: suggesting the practice of severe self discipline.

bauble: a small showy trinket or decoration.

beguile: to charm or enchant someone. 

burgeon: begin to grow or increase rapidly. 

complement: a thing that completes or brings to perfection.

contumacious: to be stubbornly disobedient. 

curmudgeon: a bad-tempered person.

didactic: intending to teach.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Mid Term Paper

Taylor Martinez

Dr. Preston

Expository Reading And Writing




Racial Profiling Goes On

Racial profiling is a popular method used by law officers in order to hypothetically enhance crime prevention by targeting minorities, because they are more likely to commit a crime.  Racial profiling according to Wikipedia, is the use of an individual's race by law enforcement personal as a key factor in whether to engage a person or not.  Personally I can't think of an easier way to stop crime by using racial profiling.  I know in some cases it's bad practice to use because if you use this method of preventing crime on mostly Mexicans and or Blacks, you're more likely to assume that they might commit a crime.  If you stop them more than you stop Whites or Asians, then you're going to assume the Mexican did the crime before you assume the white guy did it.  Who knows?  Maybe the white guy did do it and the Mexican is just in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Personally I think that Racial Profiling is misused a lot.  People just assume instead of trying to find that facts out first. 

            I personally have never experienced racial profiling (at least that I can remember of).  I'm not going to lie and say that I have never been racist and or used racial profiling before, but I can understand the method that law enforcement officers use.  Mainly because you don't see a lot of white people in gangs, living in the projects or bad neighborhoods.  You mostly see Mexicans or Blacks in the bad neighborhoods or in gangs (in Santa Maria at least).  It's too bad that they're automatically accused of committing a crime or being gang affiliated.  I just read this article about a Black teen buying a pricy bracelet from a store called Barney's and it said that this teen  was arrested and handcuffed after he/she left the store.  See, I don't know what exactly happened after the teen left the store, but the fact that he/she was arrested for buying a pricy bracelet is kind of ridiculous.  Just because he/she is a teenager, doesn't mean that they didn't save up the money or worked for that money to buy that item.  I know the average teenager won't save up money for an expensive bracelet because they would rather buy other stuff, but maybe they are more interested in buying  jewelry than they are buying a video games or other things.  But assuming that that teenager can't afford that item because he/she is a teenager is ridiculous.  Who cares what race or age they are, if they the money for it and they want to buy it, let them have it!  You have it in the store for a reason, because you're trying to make money by selling it. 

            It got me thinking to wonder how racist America is compared to other countries like the United Kingdom, China, Japan, Germany, Iran, The Netherlands, Canada, etc.  I did some research and found out that the top 10 most racist countries (including hatred against religion, minority, skin color, etc.) are #10 India #9 Pakistan #8 Russia #7 Israel #6 Germany #5 Japan #4 Rwanda #3 Australia #2 United Kingdom and #1 United States of America.  What I found out was that Africans have it the worst when it comes to racism.  I'm kind of surprised that some of the top 10 countries are in the top 10.  It's a shame that America has to be number 1 country in the world in racism.  I found out that racism in America is the most common in the South.  Mainly because of the times when Slavery was a big deal back then.  I guess because of all the hatred that was built up between the Whites and Blacks, still to this day people treat each other poorly because of it.  I think that I just won't understand what a white person from the South feels like when they see an African American in the town/city that they live in just because I wasn't raised up in the South or by a white family that used to own slaves back then.  It's ridiculous that the mindset of the Americans that live in the South hasn't changed.  I mean they should know that they're not going to get their family's slave farm back.  So why do they still need to treat them like crap?  Or say mean or derogatory things about them?

            In class we talked about hate speech, saying racist things and the 1st Amendment.  We also talked about how hate speech is said.  It's not always said so direct.  Some people try to say it in a more clever way so you  don't realize its racism until the end of the confrontation or if you really listen to how they say it.  It doesn't matter how you talk about someone in a racist way, it's still racism no matter what.  According to Wikipedia, hate speech is, outside the law, communication that vilifies a person or a group based on discrimination against that person or group. I think that it's sad when someone says they don't belong in this country just because of their skin color, religion or ethnicity.  Yes their ancestors aren't originally from here, but that doesn't mean they don't deserve to be here. I think that it's stupid how Whites think that they are originally from America.  If you think about it, if think far enough back, we are just as foreign as Africans, Asians and Europeans.  Sure Whites have been here longer than the other races, but that doesn't mean that we belong here in America and Africans, Asians, and Europeans don't. 



Negi, Dimple.  "Top 10 Most Racist Countries in the World".  List  Web date:  June 27, 2013.

Nockleby, John T. (2000), “Hate Speech,” in Encyclopedia of the American Constitution, ed. Leonard W. Levy and Kenneth L. Karst, vol. 3. (2nd ed.), Detroit: Macmillan Reference US, pp. 1277-1279. Cited in "Library 2.0 and the Problem of Hate Speech," by Margaret Brown-Sica and Jeffrey Beall.

Joshua Correll, Bernadette Park, and Charles M. Judd Bernd Wittenbrink, "The Definition of Racial Profiling".  The Police Officer's Dilemma: Target Ethnicity and the Decision to Shoot, University of Colorado at Boulder/University of Chicago,  Web date: November 23, 2005. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Vocabulary #9

Ultimate: being the best or most extreme example of its kind. 

Interactive: influencing or having an effect on each other. 

Principle: a fundimental truth that serves as a foundation for a system of belief. 

Guidance: to guide someone or something. 

Collaboration: the act of working with someone to create something. 

Formative: serving to form something. 

Summative: the process of adding something together. 

: the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics to that race. 

Intelligence: the ability to acquire knowledge and skills. 

Hyperbolic: of or relating to a hyperbola. 

Consent: permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.

Doctrine: a set of beliefs that is taught by the church. 

Hunch: a guess based on intuition instead of known facts. 

Predominant: present as the strongest element. 

Discretion: the quality of behaving in such a way so that you don't cause offense. 

Provision: the action of providing something for use. 

Seizure: the action of capturing something. 

Warrant:a document that is issued by a legal official for police use. 

Infraction: a violation of law. 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Filter Bubbles

I learned that filter bubbles aren't always a good thing when it comes to searching for things in the internet. Mainly because it puts you in a catagory that it thinks you should be in based off of recent searches that you've made. 

 This doesn't really change what I see, but I will now know that what I see isn't what should be seeing. It's editing out the stuff that I might be looking for and that just makes it hareder for me to find the subject. 

This video raises questions like, is there a way they can tweak the filter bubble by not editing out stuff it thinks we don't want to see? Will they ever take off the filter bubble or will there always be one? 

I think I can improve the effectiveness of my searches by going on Duck Duck instead of going on google. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Verbal, Nonverbal, Para verbal

Verbal: the actual meaning of all the words that are being said. 

Nonverbal: body language/facial expressions/ hand gestures. 

Para verbal: how someone uses their voice to talk about something (tone, volume, pitch; pauses when they talk, etc.).